Echo's World
(Name Idea Pending)
This has been and will continue to be the largest project I am in the process of making. I have been working on it since High School which started from a simple fandom OC I created in middle school.
It involves Echo, a 16-year-old girl who was born and raised on a planet of many strange beings. Her 16th birthday was supposed to be a special and monumental day for her because her 16th birthday is an important milestone of maturity and work for her people. But when a certain being interrupts her ceremony, and she is devastated, she takes it upon herself to find out what happened. Little does she know, she will find there are things that are best kept secret in her home city.
Echo & Flare
Her brother, Flare, was not a part of her life for most of her childhood. But as events unfold, she discovers the reason why and reconciles with him.

Echo & Jacob
Not only is Jacob her best friend, but he is her most trusted ally. While Echo struggles with trust issues, she knows no matter what happens, Jacob will never turn on her. They've known eachother since the age of 5 and have grown an unbreakable bond.

Stella & Victor
From day 1 I knew that I wanted the main villains to be madly in love with each other, and it just went off from there. Stella is Echo and Flare's mother, and Victor is her boyfriend. The kids don't know that at the start, though. This revelation will be revealed in time.
I took a pre-production class in the first semester of my Sophomore year of College, which taught us all the things you need to know and do before the animation of a show can begin. Unfortunately, my professor told us we couldn't use a story we were already working on in this class, and that had to start from scratch.
Luckily, I fell in love with the story I had written, and continue to work on it to this day.
The story follows two 15-year-old girls, Bri and Gracelyn, who live in a society ruled by a Godlike creature who craves control over every little aspect of his creations. The journey is about the girls not only getting into trouble and just barely avoiding V's grasp but also their seemingly impossible feat of stopping him and freeing their people of his regime.

Bri (Left) / Gracelyn (Right)
In mid-Septermber of 2023 I created this as part of a presentation for a class that would fuction as an introduction to myself and my work to the class. This poster was one of the things made exactly for that presentation.

This is the design for the main villain, V. Designs are subject to change (as they often do,) but I am happy with this design as of right now!